
The game is started by marking the playing field with a rectangular form and split into even parts or bases. Players are divided into two squads of the same number. A toss coin determines who will be the passer or the guard. The winner of course becomes the passer. The guards secure the base and try to tag the passer without stepping of the line. While the passer has to move across all the bases to score a point. But, if the passer is tagged, it will be their turn to be guards.
Play Area:
Draw a number of parallel lines, four or five meters apart. Then draw a perpendicular line to cross the middle of each parallel line.

Divide the players into two teams, each having a captain. One team defends the playing area at the start of the game. Each line is guarded by a player. Usually, the captain is assigned to defend the perpendicular line.
1. All players of the opposing team start in front of the first line. Their object is to pass through all the lines of the defense and back again to the starting place without being tagged by the guards.
2. A point is scored whenever one of the offensive players returns to the starting line.
3. If a member of the offensive team is tagged, the opposing teams change places.
4. The team scoring the most point during an agreed time wins.
5. An offensive player commits a foul when he goes outside the side lines.
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